
Legacy of the confederation
Legacy of the confederation

If you haven't played Legacy of the Confederation, you might not know what you're missing. Let me quote BSTRhino from » because he summarized it so perfectly and was the first to anticipate its release: Progress had been halted on this project but I suspect that the makers, after realizing that Broodwar refuses to die, decided to finish it. This is a stupendous mammoth effort that all Starcraft players should take the time and try. Map of Europe with the Confederation in dark grey.Starcraft I am not much of a MOD fan unless it involves AI improvements but I must give credit where credit is due.

legacy of the confederation

Since the end of that devestating World War, the Confederation has been a staunch ally of the Commonwealth countries, although feuds continue with its other traditional enemies, Italy and Byzantium. However, this changed following a Confederate defeat in the Great War and the subsequent 1941 invasion of Austria-Hungary by Communist forces from the Soviet Union. Prior to the Russian Revolutionary Wars, the Confederation competed industrially, economically and diplomatically with the United Kingdom. The Confederation is a major global power in its own right, but remains overshadowed on the international scene by the Commonwealth Realms. The Confederation's constituent state are: the German Empire, Austria-Hungary, Switzerland, Luxembourg & the Netherlands. The Confederation of the Rhine ( Rheinbund) is a union of multiple semi-soveriegn countries which covers most of central Europe.

legacy of the confederation legacy of the confederation

"Mit einem Worte: wir wollen niemand in den Schatten stellen, aber wir verlangen auch unseren Platz an der Sonne." (In a word, we want to put nobody in the shade, but we also demand our Place in the Sun) - Confederate Chancellor Bernhard von Bülow shortly before the outbreak of the Great War

legacy of the confederation

The "Bundesflagge", the National Flag of the Confederation of the Rhine

Legacy of the confederation